Barbora Boulova
Gymnazium Christiana Dopplera
Prague, Czech Republic
"My stay in Canada was not only the greatest adventure of my life, but also the biggest introspective challenge I have ever gone through. I was very afraid, because school can never really prepare you for real conversations with native speakers. Despite that, in just two days after my arrival I found myself talking to everyone I met on the street and I got to befriend people I never would have even met back in the Czech Republic. I learned a bit about how the world outside of Europe works, but more importantly I learned a lot about myself, what I'm capable of and just how much I can accomplish on my own." (Best BIE 2021 Student in the Czech Republic)
Jana Hlaváčová
Academic School
Zlín, Czech Republic
Naše škola se již řadu let zúčastňuje soutěže Best in English, protože účast v této soutěži je pro naše studenty výzvou k tomu, aby si porovnali své znalosti angličtiny se studenty na školách v ČR i v zahraničí. Studenti zároveň soutěží a porovnávají si své výsledky mezi sebou navzájem a každý se snaží být ten nejlepší. Za účast v soutěži dostávají účastníci kromě jedničky i sladkou odměnu, a ti nejlepší diplom.
Deimantė Matulienė
"Atžalynas" gymnasium
Kėdainiai, Lithuania
Dear Andrea, Thank your for your help, it was a pleasure keeping in touch with you.