2023 TOP 20 Other countries

2023 TOP 20 Students - all nationalities excl. Czechs

Name Points Time Rankings School Country
Abdulkerim Kurgaš 122,5 1766 1 Gimnazija "Visoko" Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hedvig Annast 121,5 2564 2 Pärnu Sütevaka Humanitaargümnaasium Estonia
Dávid Bartoš 121,5 2843 3 Gymnázium Dubnica nad Váhom Slovakia
Ivan Petrović 121 2414 4 Prva sušačka hrvatska gimnazija u Rijeci Croatia
Matej Čmilanský 120 3136 5 Gymnázium Jána Adama Raymana Prešov Slovakia
Lars Maigre 120 3145 6 Gustav Adolf Grammar School, Tallinn Estonia
Maria Kuris 120 3147 7 Miina Härma Gymnasium, Tartu Estonia
Mark Šilar 120 3364 8 Gimnazija Vič, Ljubljana Slovenia
Patricia Labajova 119,5 3185 9 Gymnasium Grösslingova, Bratislava Slovakia
Eva Jesenko 119 2537 10 Šolski center Velenje, Gimnazija Slovenia
Ege Emma Rohusalu 119 2621 11 Ülenurme Gümnaasium Estonia
Alisa Rodionova 118,5 2045 12 Jõhvi Gümnaasium Estonia
Šimon Kirňak 118,5 2400 13 Gymnázium, Poštová, Košice Slovakia
Stela Shrestha 118 1987 14 Filološka gimnazija Serbia
Jūlija Jurkšta 118 2343 15 Art Education Competence Centre Riga School of Design and Art, Riga Latvia
Elīna Eiduka 118 3070 16 Ogre State gymnasium Latvia
Arja Ela Hvala 118 3196 17 Gimnazija Vič, Ljubljana Slovenia
Karin Katarína Vargová 117,5 2603 18 Gymnázium, Golianova 68 Nitra Slovakia
Paulína Tepalová 117,5 2679 19 Spojená škola, Trnava Slovakia
Félix Vnučko 117,5 2695 20 Gymnasium Grösslingova Slovakia

2023 Top 20 Schools - other (excl. Czech)

School name School country World rankings Country rankings Points (10 students) Time (in seconds 10 students)
Gymnasium Grösslingova, Bratislava Slovakia 2 1 1142,5 28002
Škola pre mimoriadne nadané deti a Gymnázium, Bratislava Slovakia 3 2 1142 26275
Miina Härma Gymnasium, Tartu Estonia 4 1 1141 29179
Pärnu Sütevaka Humanitaargümnaasium Estonia 5 2 1138,5 26516
Gustav Adolf Grammar School, Tallinn Estonia 6 3 1134 27470
Filološka gimnazija, Beograd Serbia 7 1 1133,5 27534
Prva sušačka hrvatska gimnazija u Rijeci, Rijeka Croatia 9 1 1132 29370
Hugo Treffner Gymnasium, Tartu Estonia 10 4 1130 27326
Gimnazija Bora Stanković, Niš Serbia 12 2 1126 31695
I. gimnazija v Celju, Celje Slovenia 14 1 1122 27011
Gymnázium, Poštová, Košice Slovakia 16 3 1116 30004
Riga State Gymnasium No.2 Latvia 17 1 1114 27331
Gymnázium Konštantínova 2, Prešov Slovakia 18 4 1109,5 28751
Gimnazija Vič, Ljubljana Slovenia 19 2 1109,5 32818
Gimnazija Škofja Loka Slovenia 20 3 1109 27150
Obchodná akadémia Trnava Slovakia 22 5 1106,5 32436
Gymnázium, Golianova 68 Nitra Slovakia 23 6 1106 28805
Tartu Jaan Poska Gymnasium Estonia 25 5 1103,5 28679
Viljandi Gymnasium Estonia 27 6 1103 27141
Spojená evanjelická škola, Evanjelické gymnázium Juraja Tranovského, Lipt. Mikuláš Slovakia 28 7 1102 33065

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Umedjon Inoyatov

International Presidential School

Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Dear all the members, organizers, partners and sponsors of Best in English. It was very kind of you to provide our students a great chance to compete with their peers all around the world. Of course, it was the first time of our participation in this contest and there was some misunderstanding and network difficulties. But by any way taking part in this contest, our students got a lot of enthusiasm for their studying English. Also, they learned many new important skills, which will be beneficial for their first term assignments. On behalf of all the participants of Best in English from International Presidential School, we are heartfully grateful to all of you and wish all the best for the future prosperity of this international contest and hope that this will be a big opportunity for the students from different countries to promote English Language as a Global Language. Heartily and endless gratitude for organizing this contest from English Department of IPS particularly MR. Abdulloev Umedjon.

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Mirela Andreis

Gimnazija Lucijana Vranjanina

Zagreb, Croatia

Thank you! I'm truly happy that our student and school were successful this year and I'm looking forward to our future participation in the Contest. Taking part in the Contest has been a great experience and I'm happy our students had an opportunity to take part in something different, modern and challenging. Wish you a merry Christmas and many blessings in the year to come!

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Alessandra Baciga

Liceo Scientifico Enrico Fermi

Padova, Italy

Thank you to all the staff of BIE. Great organization and great fun for the students who enjoyed watching photos of their peers from far - and at the same time near - foreign countries.

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