Online English language competition
Mobile phone friendly
For all high schools of any type
For students aged 14-20
Already a 12th season
29 106 students
740 schools
31 countries
November 21, 2024
60 minutes
What is a Best in English contest?
A unique online English language competition within the EU and beyond. It is opened to all high schools and their students aged 14-20. It is a great language benchmarking tool.
The best students win a 2-week trip to Canada.
“No competition, no progress.” - Bela Karolyi
Watch a short video to learn more about BIE.
Istra Sramlova – the BIE 2023 prize winner and her trip to Toronto with ILAC
22.10.2024 | 29 days until contest
We’re thrilled to share the inspiring story of our 2023 Best in English competition winner...
Registration open until November 20, 2024
11.10.2024 | 40 days until contest
The registration for the 2024 Best In English contest is open until November 20, 2024...
for media
Best In English media coverage
In previous years the Best In English had great publicity including news on Czech TV and the competition was mentioned in dozens of articles, newspapers and online magazines.
for partners
BIE partnership program
We have developed long term partnerships with Czech and international companies, ministries of education, language schools and of course, hundreds of cooperating high schools around the world. Thanks a lot for all your support!
Oliwia Świerkot - student
I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. L. Kruczkowskiego w Tychach
Tychy, Poland
"As a 3rd BIE best student I won a voucher for the European Summer School. After realizing that I would never have been able to afford it on my own it seemed like an opportunity I couldn’t pass on. I went, had the time of my life and am definitely going back next year."
Loreta Vainauskienė
Kruonis Gymnasium
Kruonis, Lithuania
Dear Andrea, everything went smoothly during the test. Thank you and the team of BIE. Pagarbiai
Naděžda Schánová
Gymnázium Lovosice
Lovosice, Czech Republic
Soutěž Best in English je soutěží, která kráčí s dobou. Naši žáci jsou účastníky již osmým rokem a na své umístění mohou být někteří právem pyšní. Soutěž se stala ambiciózním projektem, který umožňuje žákům srovnání svých schopností zvládat anglický jazyk v žebříčku konkurence a to z různých úhlů pohledu i v mezinárodním měřítku. Online test je profesionálně připraven a spolupráce s jejími organizátory je prvotřídní.
For more than 16 years the Czech-us agency has been helping young people gain experience from abroad offering study, work, and language programmes across the world. Czech-us agency also offers University studies in the UK, Denmark and the Netherlands.
Institute for competencies development
Future success and employability rate of both university and secondary school graduates are closely linked with the efficiency of applying acquired knowledge to real-life situations. The mission of the Institute for Competencies Development focuses on the thinking, deliberation, and ambitions of current students and graduates.
General partner
With over 20 years of experience in providing first-class English programs, ILAC attracts students and professionals from more than 75 different countries. ILAC offers high-quality English classes for all levels and purposes and provides safe and affordable accommodations, exciting trips and activities, and free college and university placement.