TOP 20 CZ results 2021

TOP 20 Czech students

Name Points Time World rankings Country rankings School
Barbora Boulová 120,5 2945 1 1 Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera, Praha
Jan Bursa 120 2340 3 2 SPŠCH Pardubice
Vilém Vlček 120 3312 5 3 SPŠ na Proseku
Karolína Syrová 119 2750 8 4 Gymnázium a jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Svitavy
Karel Stehlík 119 3280 9 5 Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera, Praha
Ondřej Havelec 118 2974 17 6 Hotelová škola Hradec Králové, s.r.o.
Tina Tran 117,5 2568 26 7 Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha, Brno, Žižkova 55
Adéla Musilová 117,5 2722 31 8 Gymnázium J.V.Jirsíka, ČB
Jan Svoboda 117,5 3565 35 9 Gymnázium Nad Štolou, Praha
Nikol Fričová 117 2101 39 10 Matiční gymnázium, Ostrava
Daniel Kulíšek 117 2516 43 11 Gymnázium Jana Palacha, Mělník, Pod Vrchem 3 421
Lucie Svobodová 117 2827 46 12 Jazykové gymnázium Pavla Tigrida, Ostrava-Poruba
Viktor Verner 116,5 2244 54 13 Gymnázium Žatec
Jakub Tesárek 116,5 2500 58 14 Gymnázium pod Svatou Horou, Balbínova 328, Příbram 2, 26101
Jana Pikulová 116,5 2847 62 15 Gymnázium Tišnov
Matyáš Levíček 116,5 2997 65 16 Gymnázium Joachima Barranda, Beroun
Agáta Motlochová 116,5 3079 66 17 Gymnázium Nad Štolou, Praha
Sebastian Matoušek 116,5 3338 70 18 Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha, Brno, Žižkova 55
Jan Buš 116,5 3454 71 19 Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha, Brno, Žižkova 55
Tereza Richterová 116,5 3515 73 20 Malostranské gymnázium, Praha

TOP 20 Czech Schools

School name World rankings Czech rankings Points (average derived from best 8 students) Time (sec. on average)
Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha, Brno 6 1 114,8 2929
Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera, Praha 12 2 113,7 3012
Malostranské gymnázium, Praha 17 3 113 3098
Gymnázium Ústavní, Praha 18 4 112,9 2961
Masarykovo gymnazium, Plzeň 24 5 112,4 2341
Gymnázium Jana Keplera, Praha 26 6 112,3 2398
Gymnázium Nad Štolou, Praha 33 7 112,1 3354
Gymnázium Brno, Slovanské náměstí 36 8 111,9 2728
Gymnázium Joachima Barranda, Beroun 37 9 111,9 3021
Gymnázium, Pardubice, Dašická 41 10 111,6 2924
Gymnázium, Praha 9, Litoměřická 42 11 111,6 3523
Gymnázium Velké Meziříčí 43 12 111,6 3335
Mendelovo gymnázium, Opava 45 13 111,4 2641
Gymnázium Jaroslava Seiferta, Praha 47 14 111,4 2729
Gymnázium Tišnov 53 15 111 3068
Gymnázium Františka Křižíka, Plzeň 62 16 110,6 3165
Gymnázium Opatov, Praha 68 17 110,3 2790
Gymnazium Olomouc - Hejcin 73 18 109,9 2965
Gymnázium J. A. Komenského, Uherský Brod 74 19 109,9 2985
Klvaňovo gymnázium a střední zdravotnická škola, Kyjov 76 20 109,8 2771

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Vladimíra Mašková

Gymnázium Písek

Písek, Czech Republic

Dear Best in English team, Thank you for organizing this competition which our students like and are eager to take part in every year. I also really appreciate that you are always ready to answer my questions and help.

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Martina Kir Jambrek

Ekonomska škola

Požega, Croatia

Dear BIE team, I would just like to say thank you for all the effort and energy you have all put into the competition and organized everything smoothly. My students definitely want to participate again. It is great to see your enthusiasm and I just want to say: keep up the good work. It is really challenging to organize something like that on a big scale.

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Umedjon Inoyatov

International Presidential School

Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Dear all the members, organizers, partners and sponsors of Best in English. It was very kind of you to provide our students a great chance to compete with their peers all around the world. Of course, it was the first time of our participation in this contest and there was some misunderstanding and network difficulties. But by any way taking part in this contest, our students got a lot of enthusiasm for their studying English. Also, they learned many new important skills, which will be beneficial for their first term assignments. On behalf of all the participants of Best in English from International Presidential School, we are heartfully grateful to all of you and wish all the best for the future prosperity of this international contest and hope that this will be a big opportunity for the students from different countries to promote English Language as a Global Language. Heartily and endless gratitude for organizing this contest from English Department of IPS particularly MR. Abdulloev Umedjon.

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