2024 TOP 10 students – Special Category

2024 Special Language Background Category - TOP 10 students

The below results represent a Special category for students not competing in the main Best in English contest category. These students have either lived abroad in an English speaking country for more than 18 consecutive months and/or come from a bilingual/multilingual family where English is being used on an everyday basis.
There were 453 students competing in this category.

Name Points Time Rankings School Country
Erik Julius Lindgren 118,5 3232 1 Miina Härma Gymnasium Estonia
Tamara Balvín 116 2605 2 Gymnázium, Veľká okružná Slovakia
Tamara Kakalejčíková 116 3054 3 Gymnázium, Košice Slovakia
Maya Gadita Birrell 116 3467 4 Gymnázium Pelhřimov Czechia
Alžběta Bohátková 115,5 2658 5 Gymnázium Brno, Slovanské náměstí Czechia
Omar Mahmutović 115,5 2824 6 Richmond Park Schools Bosnia and Herzegovina
Natalie Trhlikova 115,5 3580 7 Církevní gymnázium Plzeň Czechia
Lucia Jacková 115 3557 8 Karlínské gymnázium Czechia
Christina Marie Svejkovský 114,5 3042 9 Gymnazium Opatov Czechia
Anna Horníková 114 2033 10 Gymnázium, Dvůr Králové nad Labem Czechia

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Marcus Hildebrandt

Hugo Treffner Gymnasium

Tartu, Estonia

A big thank you to the Best in English Team! Everything went smoothly here in Tartu, Estonia. :)

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Mirjana Savić Obradović

Mathematical Grammar School

Belgrade, Serbia

Dear BIE Team, ….above all, this has been a unique experience for all the pupils (and the teachers as well) bringing another prospective in terms of competitions and international communication.

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Alessandra Baciga

Liceo Scientifico Enrico Fermi

Padova, Italy

Thank you to all the staff of BIE. Great organization and great fun for the students who enjoyed watching photos of their peers from far - and at the same time near - foreign countries.

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