2024 TOP 20 Results – Czechia

2024 TOP 20 Czech Students

Name Points Time Rankings School
Gaja Hommerová 122 3007 1 Gymnázium Děčín
Viktor Vasilevskij 121 2982 2 SPŠ, SOŠ a SOU Hradební, Hradec Králové
Lucie Hutníková 120,5 2233 3 Gymnazium Olomouc – Hejcin
Maty Komorous 120 2108 4 Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a ZŠ s. r. o.
Vincenc Konečný 120 2978 5 Gymnázium Brno, Slovanské náměstí
Orion Rowan 120 3146 6 Střední průmyslová škola na Proseku (SPŠ na Proseku)
Ivana Luňáčková 120 3549 7 Gymnázium ALTIS
Oliver Kodyš 119,5 2278 8 Gymnázium Zikmunda Wintra Rakovník, p. o.
Petr Nedvěd 119,5 2552 9 Česko-anglické gymnázium
Dan Káčerek 119,5 2984 10 Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola Rokycany
Kryštof Kordík 119,5 3062 11 SPŠ elektrotechnická a gymnázium V Úžlabině
Anna Nováková 119 2416 12 Gymnázium, Praha 6, Arabská 14
Amálie Staňková 119 2434 13 Gymnázium, Třinec
Petr Hegedűs 119 2796 14 Gymnázium, Příbram, Legionářů 402
Sebastian Matoušek 119 2929 15 Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha, Brno
Vojtěch Korhoň 119 3461 16 Gymnazium Olomouc – Hejcin
Klára Hubenková 119 3479 17 Gymnázium Pierra de Coubertina, Tábor
Jan Petrlík 119 3598 18 VOS a SPSE Plzen
Milan Filgas 118 3115 19 SPŠ, OA a Jazyková škola, Frýdek- Místek, p.o.
Zuzana Krejčová 118 1723 20 Gymnázium Sušice

Top 20 Czech Schools (to be published 13 December, 2024)

School name World Rankings Country Rankings Number of points (10 students) Time (in seconds for 10 students)
Gymnázium Brno,Slovanské náměstí 5 1 1154 2841,5
Gymnázium Ústavní 7 2 1146 2880
Gymnázium Matyáše Lercha, Brno 9 3 1141,5 3118,4
Gymnazium Olomouc – Hejcin 12 4 1136 2870
Gymnazium Opatov 16 5 1134 2723,8
Gymnázium Voděradská 22 6 1127 2981
Gymnázium, Plzeň 25 7 1124 3035,8
Gymnázium, Praha 9, Chodovická 2250 26 8 1121 3150,7
Gymnázium Jírovcova 27 9 1120,5 2903,3
Gymnázium Říčany 29 10 1120 3071,8
Gymnázium Zlín - Lesní čtvrť 31 11 1119 2472,4
Gymnázium Čakovice 33 12 1117,5 3399,4
Gymnázium, Pardubice, Dašická 1083 34 13 1117 2645,7
Mendelovo gymnázium, Opava 36 14 1114 3075,9
Gymnázium Joachima Barranda 38 15 1114 3284,4
Gymnázium Brno Bystrc 40 16 1112,5 3000,7
Gymnázium, Praha 6, Arabská 14 42 17 1111,5 2774
Klvaňovo gymnázium a střední zdravotnická škola Kyjov 44 18 1111 3141,7
Gymnázium, Příbram, Legionářů 402 46 19 1108 2800
Gymnázium V. B. Třebízského, Slaný 47 20 1108 3147,5

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Deimantė Matulienė

"Atžalynas" gymnasium

Kėdainiai, Lithuania

Dear Andrea, Thank your for your help, it was a pleasure keeping in touch with you.

Barbora Boulova

Gymnazium Christiana Dopplera

Prague, Czech Republic

"My stay in Canada was not only the greatest adventure of my life, but also the biggest introspective challenge I have ever gone through. I was very afraid, because school can never really prepare you for real conversations with native speakers. Despite that, in just two days after my arrival I found myself talking to everyone I met on the street and I got to befriend people I never would have even met back in the Czech Republic. I learned a bit about how the world outside of Europe works, but more importantly I learned a lot about myself, what I'm capable of and just how much I can accomplish on my own." (Best BIE 2021 Student in the Czech Republic)

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Umedjon Inoyatov

International Presidential School

Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Dear all the members, organizers, partners and sponsors of Best in English. It was very kind of you to provide our students a great chance to compete with their peers all around the world. Of course, it was the first time of our participation in this contest and there was some misunderstanding and network difficulties. But by any way taking part in this contest, our students got a lot of enthusiasm for their studying English. Also, they learned many new important skills, which will be beneficial for their first term assignments. On behalf of all the participants of Best in English from International Presidential School, we are heartfully grateful to all of you and wish all the best for the future prosperity of this international contest and hope that this will be a big opportunity for the students from different countries to promote English Language as a Global Language. Heartily and endless gratitude for organizing this contest from English Department of IPS particularly MR. Abdulloev Umedjon.

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