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Oliwia Świerkot - student

I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. L. Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

Tychy, Poland

"As a 3rd BIE best student I won a voucher for the European Summer School. After realizing that I would never have been able to afford it on my own it seemed like an opportunity I couldn’t pass on. I went, had the time of my life and am definitely going back next year."

Vladimíra Mašková

Gymnázium Písek

Písek, Czech Republic

Dear Best in English team, Thank you for organizing this competition which our students like and are eager to take part in every year. I also really appreciate that you are always ready to answer my questions and help.

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Angele Ratkeviciene

Taurage "Versmes" gymnasium

Taurage, Lithuania

Students enjoyed the test. Thanks a lot for the possibility.

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