
Istra Sramlova – the BIE 2023 prize winner and her trip to Toronto with ILAC

22.10.2024 | 29 days until contest

We’re thrilled to share the inspiring story of our 2023 Best in English competition winner...

Registration open until November 20, 2024

11.10.2024 | 40 days until contest

The registration for the 2024 Best In English contest is open until November 20, 2024...

2023 Public test available

01.02.2024 | 293 days until contest

Now you have a chance to try our 2023 Public test for free and compare your...

2023 Registration form is open

27.09.2023 | 420 days until contest

The registration for the upcoming 2023 Best In English contest is open until 14th of November...

2022 Test now available to General public

24.02.2023 | 635 days until contest

Now you have a chance to try our 2022 Public test here for free, to...

Best In English under the patronage of the Ministry of Education

02.11.2022 | 749 days until contest

The Best In English competition received again the patronage by the Czech Ministry of Education....

New Partner Project – Career Counselling

14.10.2021 | 1133 days until contest

We are happy to announce that we have started a new partnership with the project...

2021 Registrations open !

07.09.2021 | 1170 days until contest

The registration for the upcoming 2021 Best In English contest is open. Registration will close...

Do you like the competition?

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Oliwia Świerkot - student

I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. L. Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

Tychy, Poland

"As a 3rd BIE best student I won a voucher for the European Summer School. After realizing that I would never have been able to afford it on my own it seemed like an opportunity I couldn’t pass on. I went, had the time of my life and am definitely going back next year."

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Loreta Vainauskienė

Kruonis Gymnasium

Kruonis, Lithuania

Dear Andrea, everything went smoothly during the test. Thank you and the team of BIE. Pagarbiai

Jana Hlaváčová

Academic School

Zlín, Czech Republic

Naše škola se již řadu let zúčastňuje soutěže Best in English, protože účast v této soutěži je pro naše studenty výzvou k tomu, aby si porovnali své znalosti angličtiny se studenty na školách v ČR i v zahraničí. Studenti zároveň soutěží a porovnávají si své výsledky mezi sebou navzájem a každý se snaží být ten nejlepší. Za účast v soutěži dostávají účastníci kromě jedničky i sladkou odměnu, a ti nejlepší diplom.

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