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Loreta Vainauskienė

Kruonis Gymnasium

Kruonis, Lithuania

Dear Andrea, everything went smoothly during the test. Thank you and the team of BIE. Pagarbiai

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Martina Kir Jambrek

Ekonomska škola

Požega, Croatia

Dear BIE team, I would just like to say thank you for all the effort and energy you have all put into the competition and organized everything smoothly. My students definitely want to participate again. It is great to see your enthusiasm and I just want to say: keep up the good work. It is really challenging to organize something like that on a big scale.

Barbora Boulova

Gymnazium Christiana Dopplera

Prague, Czech Republic

"My stay in Canada was not only the greatest adventure of my life, but also the biggest introspective challenge I have ever gone through. I was very afraid, because school can never really prepare you for real conversations with native speakers. Despite that, in just two days after my arrival I found myself talking to everyone I met on the street and I got to befriend people I never would have even met back in the Czech Republic. I learned a bit about how the world outside of Europe works, but more importantly I learned a lot about myself, what I'm capable of and just how much I can accomplish on my own." (Best BIE 2021 Student in the Czech Republic)

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