
Awards for the best student in the BIE competition

Place Partner Prize

2 weeks in Canada including acoommodation ILAC + plus airfare (provided by Czech-us)

Voucher for European Summer School (course only) with Czech-us

Note: Only 1 student from Czechia or another country will be awarded this prize.

Awards for the TOP 20 students from the Czech Republic

Place Partner Prizes

If the student is not the absolute winner of the BIE competition, he/she will be eligible for a Voucher for:

Voucher for European Summer School (course only) with Czech-us

Voucher for University Abroad Study Counselling worth 500EUR

Voucher for Electronics worth 150EUR


Voucher for European Summer School (course only) with Czech-us

Voucher for University Abroad Study Counselling worth 500EUR

Voucher for Electronics worth 125EUR


Voucher for European Summer School (course only) with Czech-us

Voucher for University Abroad Study Counselling worth 500EUR

Voucher for Electronics worth 100EUR


Voucher for European Summer School worth 400EUR with Czech-us

Voucher for University Abroad Study Counselling worth 250EUR

Voucher for Electronics worth 50EUR

Awards for the TOP 20 non-Czech students (other nationalities)

Place Partner Prizes

If the student is not the absolute winner of the BIE competition, he/she will be eligible for a Voucher for:

Voucher for European Summer School (course only) with Czech-us

Voucher for Electronics worth 150EUR


Voucher for European Summer School (course only) with Czech-us

Voucher for Electronics worth 125EUR


Voucher for European Summer School (course only) with Czech-us

Voucher for Electronics worth 100EUR


Voucher for European Summer School worth 400EUR with Czech-us

Voucher for Electronics worth 50EUR

Other prizes:

1) Prize for the TOP 10 Special Category

The top student in this category will win a 150EUR electronics voucher and a 400EUR discount on European Summer School courses in Prague.

2) All students participating in BIE competition receive

a) 200EUR discount on European Summer School courses in Prague

european summer school logo

b) 40EUR discount on Czech-us study and work abroad programs

czech-us logo

c) 25 percent discount on career counselling (all Czech and Slovakian participants)

Do you like the competition?

become a partner


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Alessandra Baciga

Liceo Scientifico Enrico Fermi

Padova, Italy

Thank you to all the staff of BIE. Great organization and great fun for the students who enjoyed watching photos of their peers from far - and at the same time near - foreign countries.

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Angele Ratkeviciene

Taurage "Versmes" gymnasium

Taurage, Lithuania

Students enjoyed the test. Thanks a lot for the possibility.

Naděžda Schánová

Gymnázium Lovosice

Lovosice, Czech Republic

Soutěž Best in English je soutěží, která kráčí s dobou. Naši žáci jsou účastníky již osmým rokem a na své umístění mohou být někteří právem pyšní. Soutěž se stala ambiciózním projektem, který umožňuje žákům srovnání svých schopností zvládat anglický jazyk v žebříčku konkurence a to z různých úhlů pohledu i v mezinárodním měřítku. Online test je profesionálně připraven a spolupráce s jejími organizátory je prvotřídní.

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