
    School details

    Registrations are open for the 2024 round of the competition.

    The entered data will be used for generating certificates. Be careful and enter your full school name (ex. Gymnasium Dasicka, OA Pelhrimov) and in the form, you would like it to appear on the certificates. Please note, that extra-long school names will not look nice on it.

    If your school is a combination of several schools and you would like the students to compete separately from a Gymnasium and also for example from a Business Academy then register twice with different names and your students will compete with 2 different School IDs which will be generated.

    Please note, that the Best In English competition comes with a 65EUR (1500CZK) License fee per school for all your students. More about the conditions and refund policy here.

    Fields marked with * are required.

    E.g 11122

    Type of school

    You can choose one or more options at once

    Country *


    Details about teacher

    The contact person should be either you or your colleague. All important information regarding the contest will be sent to the provided email address.

    E.g +420111222111. Please, enter your cell phone, not landline. We will be sending SMS messages with important BIE updates and information.