Top 10 Students – Special Category 2021

Special Language Background Category - TOP 10 students

The below results represent a Special category for students not competing in the main Best in English contest category. These students have either lived abroad in an English speaking country for more than 18 consecutive months and/or come from a bilingual/multilingual family where English is being used on an everyday basis. There were 436 students competing from 242 secondary schools in this category.

Name Points Time Rankings School Country
Jan Norman Taylor 117,5 3156 1 Gymnázium Velké Meziříčí Czech Republic
Rebecca Brehler 116,5 3228 2 Gymnasium T. G. Masaryka, Hustopece Czech Republic
Jan Crowe 116 1715 3 Gymnázium Jana Keplera Czech Republic
Stella Alexandra Heath 115,5 2868 4 I. gimnazija v Celju Slovenia
Adam Fisher 115 2735 5 Gymnázium Brno, Slovanské náměstí Czech Republic
Alžbeta Kovárová 114,5 2433 6 Gymnázium Karola Štúra, Modra Slovakia
Michal Tedla 114 2632 7 Spojená škola Bratislava Slovakia
Annie Hanalei Veselá 114 2969 8 Gymnázium Dvůr Králové nad Labem Czech Republic
Bianka Birčáková 114 3501 9 Gymnázium Jozefa Gregora Tajovského, Banská Bystrica Slovakia
Antonella Drandić 113,5 2905 10 Gimnazija i strukovna škola Jurja Dobrile u Pazinu, Pazin Croatia

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Mirela Andreis

Gimnazija Lucijana Vranjanina

Zagreb, Croatia

Thank you! I'm truly happy that our student and school were successful this year and I'm looking forward to our future participation in the Contest. Taking part in the Contest has been a great experience and I'm happy our students had an opportunity to take part in something different, modern and challenging. Wish you a merry Christmas and many blessings in the year to come!

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Deimantė Matulienė

"Atžalynas" gymnasium

Kėdainiai, Lithuania

Dear Andrea, Thank your for your help, it was a pleasure keeping in touch with you.

Barbora Boulova

Gymnazium Christiana Dopplera

Prague, Czech Republic

"My stay in Canada was not only the greatest adventure of my life, but also the biggest introspective challenge I have ever gone through. I was very afraid, because school can never really prepare you for real conversations with native speakers. Despite that, in just two days after my arrival I found myself talking to everyone I met on the street and I got to befriend people I never would have even met back in the Czech Republic. I learned a bit about how the world outside of Europe works, but more importantly I learned a lot about myself, what I'm capable of and just how much I can accomplish on my own." (Best BIE 2021 Student in the Czech Republic)

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