Previous test 2018
25.10.2019|1853 days until contest
Dear contenders, on our new website, you can try our test from previous year of Best in English to get ready for an upcoming contest.
BIE 2018 test
Visit this link to try our 2018 test
25.10.2019|1853 days until contest
Dear contenders, on our new website, you can try our test from previous year of Best in English to get ready for an upcoming contest.
Visit this link to try our 2018 test
22.10.2024 | 29 days until contest
We’re thrilled to share the inspiring story of our 2023 Best in English competition winner...
11.10.2024 | 40 days until contest
The registration for the 2024 Best In English contest is open until November 20, 2024...
01.02.2024 | 293 days until contest
Now you have a chance to try our 2023 Public test for free and compare your...
27.09.2023 | 420 days until contest
The registration for the upcoming 2023 Best In English contest is open until 14th of November...
Attila Agárdi (2022 BIE Contest Winner)
Magyar-Angol Tannyelvű Gimnázium és Kollégium
Balatonalmádi, Hungary
My experience in Canada was awesome. I met some incredible people and visited fantastic places, and I got to experience a really different culture. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go to such an amazing country.
Simona Čiháková
Technical College of Civil Engineering
Pilsen, Czech Republic
Technical College of Civil Engineering in Pilsen Czech Republic is sending lots of thanks and regards and is looking forward to next competition! :) See U next year!
Barbora Boulova
Gymnazium Christiana Dopplera
Prague, Czech Republic
"My stay in Canada was not only the greatest adventure of my life, but also the biggest introspective challenge I have ever gone through. I was very afraid, because school can never really prepare you for real conversations with native speakers. Despite that, in just two days after my arrival I found myself talking to everyone I met on the street and I got to befriend people I never would have even met back in the Czech Republic. I learned a bit about how the world outside of Europe works, but more importantly I learned a lot about myself, what I'm capable of and just how much I can accomplish on my own." (Best BIE 2021 Student in the Czech Republic)