Updated Prizes
18.11.2019|1829 days until contest
The prizes to the Best In English competition are updated, please have a look.
18.11.2019|1829 days until contest
The prizes to the Best In English competition are updated, please have a look.
22.10.2024 | 29 days until contest
We’re thrilled to share the inspiring story of our 2023 Best in English competition winner...
11.10.2024 | 40 days until contest
The registration for the 2024 Best In English contest is open until November 20, 2024...
01.02.2024 | 293 days until contest
Now you have a chance to try our 2023 Public test for free and compare your...
27.09.2023 | 420 days until contest
The registration for the upcoming 2023 Best In English contest is open until 14th of November...
Mirjana Savić Obradović
Mathematical Grammar School
Belgrade, Serbia
Dear BIE Team, ….above all, this has been a unique experience for all the pupils (and the teachers as well) bringing another prospective in terms of competitions and international communication.
Alessandra Baciga
Liceo Scientifico Enrico Fermi
Padova, Italy
Thank you to all the staff of BIE. Great organization and great fun for the students who enjoyed watching photos of their peers from far - and at the same time near - foreign countries.
Mirela Andreis
Gimnazija Lucijana Vranjanina
Zagreb, Croatia
Thank you! I'm truly happy that our student and school were successful this year and I'm looking forward to our future participation in the Contest. Taking part in the Contest has been a great experience and I'm happy our students had an opportunity to take part in something different, modern and challenging. Wish you a merry Christmas and many blessings in the year to come!