
Contest date postponed to November 26th 2021

11.01.2021 | 1409 days until contest

It saddens us but based on the numbers in the Czech Rep., Slovakia + other...

1st BIE Online meeting/webinar

15.12.2020 | 1436 days until contest

We would like to invite all interested secondary school teachers to join our 1st BIE...

References by Oliwia Świerkot from Poland

08.12.2020 | 1444 days until contest

Oliwia Świerkot from Poland participated in the 2019 Best In English competition and ended up...

Registrations available until January 20th 2021

18.11.2020 | 1463 days until contest

Please note, since the competition was postponed due to COVID restrictions to January 22nd 2021,...

Test date postponed to January 22nd 2021

09.11.2020 | 1472 days until contest

The Best In English test is postponed and will take place on the 22nd of...

COVID-19 Update to the Rules

09.09.2020 | 1533 days until contest

Even though the pandemic seems to be on the rise again, we still expect the...

2020 BIE Registration open !

04.06.2020 | 1630 days until contest

The registration for the upcoming 2020 Best In English contest is open. Registration will close...

2019 Public test available

09.03.2020 | 1717 days until contest

Now you have a chance to try our 2019 Public test here for free, to...

Do you like the competition?

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Vladimíra Mašková

Gymnázium Písek

Písek, Czech Republic

Dear Best in English team, Thank you for organizing this competition which our students like and are eager to take part in every year. I also really appreciate that you are always ready to answer my questions and help.

Reference placeholder

Mirela Andreis

Gimnazija Lucijana Vranjanina

Zagreb, Croatia

Thank you! I'm truly happy that our student and school were successful this year and I'm looking forward to our future participation in the Contest. Taking part in the Contest has been a great experience and I'm happy our students had an opportunity to take part in something different, modern and challenging. Wish you a merry Christmas and many blessings in the year to come!

Oliwia Świerkot - student

I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. L. Kruczkowskiego w Tychach

Tychy, Poland

"As a 3rd BIE best student I won a voucher for the European Summer School. After realizing that I would never have been able to afford it on my own it seemed like an opportunity I couldn’t pass on. I went, had the time of my life and am definitely going back next year."

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